Illustration of how to create a solid content marketing strategy

How to Create a Solid Content Marketing Strategy

folder_openBusiness Development, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

Content promotion may be a terrific way to produce long-term growth for your organization, but a lot of companies struggle with ways to begin. In this article we delve deep into creating a solid marketing plan for your business.

Based on the Content Marketing Institute, 60 percent of the best content marketers took the opportunity to make a documented approach. Before you start your content marketing journey, set some time aside to make a strategy to be certain that your content is successful in helping you, or your company achieve its objectives.

Establish Your Objectives

The very first step in creating a content plan would be deciding on your objective.

Some Frequent content promotion goals are:

  • Boost SEO positions
  • Create thought leadership and increase sway
  • Get more prospects and convert them to revenue
  • Boost inbound traffic and brand awareness

Clearly defining your goals can allow you to decide the best method to approach your articles advertising.

By way of instance, if your purpose is to push more inbound visitors and create brand awareness through articles, then you could produce a fantastic quantity of keyword targeted content to push SEO traffic. On the flip side, if believed leadership is a priority, then you could focus more on producing original content or performing data-driven or research-based posts.

Know Your Target Audience

Fantastic content promotion is often supposed to entice your perfect client, so knowing who your client is and what they’re interested in will help you craft more powerful content.

With no defined goal avatar, your articles performance might become ineffective as a number of your articles might not be targeting the proper audience.

So how can you make a client avatar?

content strategy on how to create a customer avatar

(Image Source:

It is possible to begin with brainstorming the pain factors and pursuits your perfect customer may have.

See forums and social networking sites to learn what sorts of questions folks in your market are inquiring. Have a look at competitor blogs and articles to understand what kinds of articles they’re writing.

Do some keyword research to learn which search terms people are searching for answers to their issues.

If you currently have clients, you might even use surveys or telephone calls to meeting your customers and find out more about these and the issues they confront. Speaking to real clients or possible customers is a fantastic way to obtain insights in their daily struggles and the sorts of content they may want to see.

Among the most crucial steps in creating a content plan is developing a content generation program. You will need a systematic strategy to make content on a continuous basis so you can remain consistent with your articles advertising campaigns.

Consistency is quite important with failing and blogging to be constant may cause people to get rid of interest and forget about you.

Neil Patel cites he blogged always and printed posts 5 times every month through May 2009.

Listed below are a Couple of Straightforward ideas Which You Can use not to run from great content thoughts:

1. Curating Content — Follow competitions and business news websites to keep up with the most recent developments in your specialty. Bookmarking, social websites and content sharing websites may also be a great way to discover fresh and fascinating content.

It’s possible to add value if you curate articles by incorporating on your own insights or investigation. It is also possible to be an important source for your viewers if you’re quick to discuss information or other educational articles prior to your readers find them via other channels.

2. Keyword study — If you are writing for SEO purposes, then keyword research may be a fantastic place to begin if you are searching for content thoughts. Locate keyword phrases with great search quantity which are linked to things your intended customer might look for.

Do a fast search to find out what other articles comes up and strategize on how you are able to create content which is different or better than what is presently rank.

3. Assess competitors — Another method to think of content ideas would be to examine competitors. Follow their sites by subscribing to them and listen to what material seems to work well for them.

You might even identify content interruptions by searching for topics your opponents have not written about yet. Comments and queries on their site could indicate superior opportunities to make articles on subjects your intended audience may be considering.

Create the Content

As soon as you’ve got a content production strategy, you should begin writing your articles. Most businesses focus on written articles since it’s a lot easier to create than other content types (such as podcasts or video ) and may also drive traffic. A poll achieved by Social Media Examiner also shows that 58 percent of individuals prefer written articles over video and visual content.

But you might opt to make different sorts of content based upon your targets and your own niche. 

Here are a couple of things that you might wish to look at when generating articles.

When creating content it’s important to make it readable for people first. Gone are the days of writing for SEO. With the new Google Helpful Content update we are seeing a lot of websites get taken off the map. 

Pictures and Media

Are you going to add pictures and other websites (such as audio or videos ) in your posts? Should you use pictures, are you going to want a graphic designer to make them?

But, creating and adding images also takes resources and time that could slow down the material production procedure.

Ideally, you need to add pictures into your posts once you are able to rely on these to add value or to utilize them to clearly demonstrate what you’re talking in the report.

If you want images but do not wish to employ a graphic designer, then a completely free tool such as Canva may help.

One other important issue to consider before writing an guide is the length of time it’s going to be. Are you going to write quite long in-depth posts or are you going to write more often by generating shorter posts?

SerpIQ did a research in 2012 by assessing over 20,000 key words. Buzzsumo also found that more content tends to receive shared on social networking.

Does this imply long-form content is greater?

Not whatsoever.

Extended content may be suitable for something such as an search engine optimization manual where searchers are searching for detailed info. But brief form content might be more suitable for things such as recipes.

Individuals will also be more likely to read brief content and it’s usually simpler to make a greater quantity of articles should you keep your posts short. In reality,some books, such as Entrepreneur, favor that authors maintain posts under 1,200 words.

When deciding on material span, begin with celebrating how long competing content is and decide on your overall objectives. If you would like to compete with other high rank content, then you’ll frequently have to make material of comparable length or more. But, short content could be helpful if you would like to make a greater quantity of articles.

Publishing Program

A research by Hubspot proves that companies that site 16 or more occasions a month create 4.5x more prospects than companies that just blog 0-4 times a month. But blogging less often can provide you more time to produce authoritative content and encourage it.

How many times you publish is your choice, but determining on publishing frequency and also preparing a content calendar can allow you to keep consistent, which can be important when you’d like the best outcomes. A couple of companies succeed by publishing after a month, but many companies should aim to print at least once weekly.

Many companies will compose some editorial guidelines which discuss details such as how long an guide ought to be, what subjects are covered and some additional requirements for articles. Making this documentation could be useful when bringing on fresh content founders or should you enable guest posting in your site.

Creating different procedures and coaching for internal usage could also be a fantastic idea to assist your employees authors together with the content production procedure.

Optimizing your Content

Before hitting the print button, make certain to optimize your articles so that it enables you to attain your objectives.

Even if SEO is not a key goal, it is possible to easily enhance the possibility your content will probably rank by doing some keyword research and adding keywords into your own article. With a tool such as Google Keyword Planner will be able to help you find keywords which may be worth adding on your own content.

Read over your post and use a tool such as Grammarly to search for spelling and punctuation errors. Rewrite sentences which are not split and clear really long segments into shorter paragraphs to increase readability.

In case you have conversion targets (like raising email opt-ins or creating earnings ), then make sure you optimize your articles for conversions too. Contain your telephone to action in the close of the guide and posts within the report. You might wish to consider utilizing highlighting or graphics to attract people’s attention for a call to actions.

Marketing your Content

When developing a content plan, you also will need to create a content marketing strategy.

Content marketing is particularly important once you’re just beginning. Getting inbound links into your site and getting people share your articles may drive visitors to your website and permit you to raise your audience. While growth might appear slow at first, it may accelerate more than you collect more inbound links and much more followers.

As an increasing number of individuals know your articles, you are able to alter more of your sources towards content production. Launched websites such as Hubspot, Entrepreneur and Martha Stewart have a solid following when they produce articles, lots of people would discuss and connect to it without being requested.

Just just how do content marketers market their articles? Here are some popular methods to market content efficiently.

1. Paid Advertising / PPC for Cold Visitors

You’re able to target cold visitors using Facebook advertisements to target individuals based on their own interests or Google advertisements to target searchers based on keywords they type into search engines. You might even utilize retargeting to display advertisements to people who visited your website previously.

  1. Understanding Cold Visitors:

    • Cold visitors are potential customers who are not yet familiar with your brand or products. They haven’t interacted with your website or social media channels.
    • The challenge with cold visitors is to capture their attention and interest quickly, as they have no prior engagement with your brand.
  2. Using Facebook Ads for Cold Visitors:

    • Interest-Based Targeting: Facebook allows you to target users based on their interests, demographics, and online behaviors. This is particularly effective for cold visitors as you can reach people who have shown interest in similar products or industries.
    • Lookalike Audiences: You can create lookalike audiences in Facebook Ads to reach new people who are similar to your existing customers. This is based on Facebook’s algorithm analyzing your existing customer data.
    • Visual and Engaging Content: Since cold visitors are not familiar with your brand, use visually appealing ads with clear and compelling messaging to grab their attention.
  3. Using Google Ads for Cold Visitors:

    • Keyword Targeting: Google Ads allows you to target users based on the keywords they type into the search engine. This is effective for reaching cold visitors who are searching for products or services related to your business.
    • Responsive Search Ads: Utilize Google’s responsive search ads feature to automatically test different combinations of headlines and descriptions and learn which combination performs best.
    • Local Targeting: For businesses with a local presence, using local keywords and geo-targeting can be highly effective in reaching cold visitors in your area.

Retargeting Strategies

  1. Retargeting Basics:

    • Retargeting involves showing ads to people who have previously visited your website but did not make a purchase or take a desired action.
    • It’s a powerful tool to re-engage visitors by reminding them of what they viewed on your site or offering them incentives to return.
  2. Retargeting on Facebook:

    • Custom Audiences: Create custom audiences in Facebook Ads Manager using data from your website visitors. This can be done by installing the Facebook pixel on your website.
    • Dynamic Ads: Use dynamic ads to show specific products that visitors viewed on your site. This personalized approach can significantly increase the chances of conversion.
  3. Retargeting with Google Ads:

    • Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA): Use RLSA to customize your search ads campaigns for people who have previously visited your site.
    • Display Remarketing: Utilize Google’s vast display network to show visual ads to past visitors as they browse other websites.
  4. Best Practices for Retargeting:

    • Segmentation: Segment your audience based on their behavior on your site (e.g., visited a specific product page, abandoned a shopping cart).
    • Frequency Capping: Limit the number of times your ads are shown to the same person to avoid ad fatigue.
    • A/B Testing: Regularly test different ad creatives, messages, and calls to action to find the most effective combination.

By effectively utilizing these strategies in paid advertising and retargeting, you can efficiently target cold visitors, re-engage them, and ultimately guide them through the conversion funnel.

2. Social Networking and Communities for Content Distribution

Once generating articles, make certain to discuss it on social networking and in communities (when it’s allowed). It will grow more successful if you invest some time in these stations engaging different users and sharing additional articles.

  1. Sharing Content on Social Media:

    • Platform Selection: Choose social media platforms that align with your target audience. For instance, LinkedIn is great for B2B content, while Instagram and TikTok are ideal for visually appealing B2C content.
    • Content Adaptation: Adapt your content to fit the style and format of each platform. For example, shorter posts for Twitter, visually rich posts for Instagram, and comprehensive articles for LinkedIn.
    • Posting Schedule: Use analytics to determine the best times to post for maximum engagement. Consistency in posting is key to keeping your audience engaged.
  2. Engaging with the Community:

    • Active Participation: Regularly engage with your followers through comments, messages, and by participating in relevant discussions. This builds a community around your brand.
    • User-Generated Content: Encourage your audience to share their own content related to your brand or products. This not only provides you with additional content but also increases engagement and loyalty.
  3. Utilizing Online Communities:

    • Community Selection: Identify and participate in online communities where your target audience is active. This could be forums like Reddit, industry-specific groups on LinkedIn, or Facebook groups.
    • Value-Added Participation: Contribute to these communities by providing valuable insights, answering questions, and sharing relevant content. Avoid overt self-promotion as it can be counterproductive.
  4. Content Promotion in Communities:

    • Permission and Relevance: Ensure that sharing your content is permissible in the community’s guidelines and that it is relevant to the community’s interests.
    • Engagement: When you share content, engage in conversations that arise from it. Answer questions and provide additional insights to foster engagement.
  5. Building Relationships with Influencers:

    • Influencer Collaboration: Collaborate with influencers in your niche to reach a wider audience. Influencers can share your content or create content that aligns with your brand.
    • Authentic Partnerships: Choose influencers whose values align with your brand for more authentic and effective partnerships.
  6. Monitoring and Responding to Feedback:

    • Social Listening: Use social listening tools to monitor what is being said about your brand and content. This can provide valuable insights into audience preferences and content performance.
    • Responsive Engagement: Respond to comments and feedback on your posts promptly. This shows that you value your audience’s input and are actively engaged.
  7. Leveraging Analytics:

    • Performance Tracking: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your content on social media and communities. Look at metrics like engagement rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
    • Data-Driven Adjustments: Use the insights from analytics to refine your content strategy and improve engagement.

By effectively utilizing social networking and online communities, you can significantly enhance the reach and impact of your content. It’s important to not only share your content but also actively engage with the community, build relationships, and use insights from these interactions to continually refine your approach.

3. Email advertising

 Another powerful means to advertise articles is via email marketing. Have a minimum of one email marketing form in your site so people can register to get informed when you publish new content.

  1. Building an Email List:

    • Email Subscription Forms: Place email subscription forms strategically on your website. This could be in the form of pop-ups, sidebar forms, or embedded within articles.
    • Incentives for Signing Up: Offer incentives for subscribing, such as free ebooks, whitepapers, or access to exclusive content.
    • Segmentation: Collect relevant information through sign-up forms to segment your audience. This allows for more targeted and relevant email content.
  2. Creating Engaging Email Content:

    • Personalization: Use the recipient’s name and tailor content based on their interests or past interactions with your website.
    • Valuable Content: Include not just promotional material but also valuable content such as tips, insights, and useful resources related to your niche.
    • Visual Appeal: Design emails that are visually appealing and reflect your brand’s style. Use images, infographics, and a consistent color scheme.
  3. Content Promotion via Email:

    • Regular Newsletters: Send out regular newsletters that include your latest content, updates, and any relevant industry news.
    • Exclusive Content: Offer exclusive content that is only available to your email subscribers, making the subscription more valuable.
    • Content Teasers: Include teasers of your content in emails with links to the full articles on your website.
  4. Optimizing for Conversions:

    • Clear Call-to-Action: Each email should have a clear call-to-action (CTA), whether it’s to read a blog post, download a resource, or take part in a survey.
    • Mobile Optimization: Ensure that your emails are optimized for mobile devices, as a significant portion of users access emails on their smartphones.
  5. Email Automation and Drip Campaigns:

    • Automated Welcome Emails: Set up automated emails for new subscribers, welcoming them and providing useful information about your site.
    • Drip Campaigns: Implement drip campaigns that automatically send a series of emails based on specific triggers, such as a new subscription or a download.
  6. Analyzing Email Performance:

    • Tracking Metrics: Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to understand how your emails are performing.
    • A/B Testing: Regularly perform A/B testing on different elements of your emails, such as subject lines, email content, and CTAs, to see what works best.
  7. Compliance with Regulations:

    • Adhere to Regulations: Ensure compliance with email marketing regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM Act. Include an easy way for subscribers to opt-out of receiving emails.
  8. Integrating with Other Marketing Efforts:

    • Cross-Promotion: Use email marketing to complement other marketing efforts, such as promoting your social media channels or upcoming events.

By effectively leveraging email marketing, you can create a direct line of communication with your audience, promoting your content and building a loyal following. The key is to provide value in every email, making your subscribers look forward to receiving and engaging with your content.

4. Exploring Other Traffic Mediums

Keep your eye open to different stations to publicize your content. You might want to experiment with boosting content on distinct stations and add new stations to your articles marketing process as you go along.

  1. Video Platforms:

    • YouTube and Vimeo: Create video content related to your articles and share it on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo. Videos can be tutorials, summaries of your articles, or discussions on related topics.
    • Live Streaming: Platforms like Twitch or YouTube Live offer opportunities for live interaction with your audience, which can be a unique way to promote content.
  2. Podcasting:

    • Create a Podcast: Start a podcast related to your niche. Use it to discuss topics in your articles, interview experts, or explore industry trends.
    • Guest Appearances: Appear as a guest on other popular podcasts in your industry to reach a wider audience.
  3. Webinars and Online Workshops:

    • Educational Webinars: Host webinars or online workshops that delve deeper into the subjects of your articles. This can attract an audience interested in learning more about your area of expertise.
    • Collaborations: Collaborate with other experts or brands to host joint webinars, expanding your reach.
  4. Online Forums and Q&A Sites:

    • Participate in Forums: Engage in forums like Reddit, Quora, or industry-specific forums. Answer questions and share insights while subtly promoting your content.
    • Q&A Sites: On sites like Quora, provide valuable answers to questions related to your content and include links to your articles for further reading.
  5. Guest Posting and Collaborations:

    • Write Guest Posts: Write articles for other blogs or websites in your industry. This can help you reach a new audience and drive traffic back to your site.
    • Collaborative Content: Collaborate with other content creators or influencers to co-create content. This can be a mutually beneficial way to share audiences.
  6. Social Bookmarking Sites:

    • Sites like Reddit and StumbleUpon: Share your content on social bookmarking sites where users can discover and share web pages.
  7. SlideShare and Similar Platforms:

    • Create Presentations: Convert your content into presentations and share them on platforms like SlideShare. This can be particularly effective for B2B audiences.
  8. Offline Channels:

    • Print Media and Public Speaking: Don’t overlook offline channels like local newspapers, magazines, or public speaking opportunities at events and conferences.
  9. Experimentation and Analytics:

    • Test Different Channels: Experiment with different mediums to see what works best for your content and audience.
    • Use Analytics: Track the performance of your content across different channels using analytics tools. This will help you understand where your efforts are most effective.
  10. Integrating with Overall Marketing Strategy:

    • Unified Approach: Ensure that your efforts across different channels are integrated and consistent with your overall marketing strategy.

By keeping an open mind and experimenting with various traffic mediums, you can discover new ways to promote your content and reach different segments of your audience. Each medium offers unique advantages and can complement your existing content marketing efforts. The key is to adapt your content to fit the format and audience of each medium while maintaining a consistent brand message.

5. Multi-Channel Content Promotion Strategy

To optimize your reach, boost your content via multiple channels.

Whatever stations you decide to publicize your content, make certain to make a content marketing process so you understand just what to do when you publish each bit of content.

  1. Identifying the Right Channels:

    • Audience Research: Understand where your target audience spends their time. Different demographics prefer different platforms, such as LinkedIn for professionals, Instagram for a younger audience, etc.
    • Content Suitability: Assess which channels are best suited for the type of content you create. For example, visual content may perform better on Instagram or Pinterest.
  2. Adapting Content for Each Channel:

    • Content Repurposing: Adapt and repurpose your content to fit the format and norms of each channel. For instance, turn a blog post into a series of tweets or an infographic.
    • Consistent Branding: Ensure that your content maintains consistent branding across all channels for easy recognition.
  3. Scheduling and Automation:

    • Content Calendar: Use a content calendar to plan and schedule your posts across different channels. This helps in maintaining a consistent posting schedule.
    • Automation Tools: Utilize tools like Buffer, Hootsuite, or Sprout Social to automate posting across multiple platforms.
  4. Engagement and Interaction:

    • Active Engagement: Actively engage with your audience on each platform. Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and encourage user interaction.
    • Community Building: Foster a sense of community by encouraging discussions and sharing user-generated content.
  5. Paid Promotion:

    • Targeted Ads: Use targeted ads on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google to reach a broader audience. Tailor your ad campaigns to the specifics of each platform.
    • Retargeting Campaigns: Implement retargeting campaigns to reach people who have shown interest in your content but haven’t converted.
  6. SEO and Organic Reach:

    • Optimize for Search Engines: Ensure your content is SEO-friendly to maximize organic reach, especially for blog posts and website content.
    • Backlinking Strategy: Develop a backlinking strategy by collaborating with other websites, guest posting, and creating shareable content.
  7. Tracking and Analytics:

    • Performance Analysis: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your content across different channels. Look at metrics like engagement, traffic, and conversions.
    • Iterative Improvement: Use insights from analytics to refine your content strategy and improve performance on each channel.

Establishing a Content Marketing Process

  1. Pre-Publication Planning:

    • Content Strategy: Develop a clear content strategy that outlines your goals, target audience, content themes, and key messages.
    • Editorial Guidelines: Establish editorial guidelines to ensure consistency in tone, style, and quality across all content.
  2. Publication Workflow:

    • Content Creation: Assign roles for content creation, including writing, editing, and design.
    • Approval Process: Set up an approval process to ensure content meets quality standards before publication.
  3. Post-Publication Process:

    • Distribution: Have a standard process for distributing content across chosen channels immediately after publication.
    • Promotion: Implement a routine for promoting content, including social media posts, email newsletters, and paid ads.
  4. Feedback and Optimization:

    • Gather Feedback: Regularly gather feedback from your audience and stakeholders on your content.
    • Continuous Optimization: Continuously refine your content based on feedback and performance metrics.

By boosting your content through multiple channels and establishing a robust content marketing process, you can maximize your reach, engage with a broader audience, and achieve better results from your content marketing efforts. The key is to be strategic, consistent, and adaptable in your approach.

Integrating AI in Content Marketing Strategy

AI-Driven Market Research

Automated Insights: In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, AI is revolutionizing how market research is conducted. By automating the analysis of vast amounts of data, AI tools can swiftly uncover emerging trends and customer needs. This speed and efficiency surpass traditional research methods, allowing marketers to stay ahead of the curve.

Content Relevance: AI’s ability to analyze customer interactions is a game-changer for content creation. By understanding the nuances of customer conversations and feedback, AI tools can guide the creation of high-intent content. This ensures that the content not only resonates with the target audience but also addresses their specific needs and preferences.

Enhancing SEO with AI

Keyword Discovery: One of the most significant advantages of AI in SEO is its capability to extract key terms and phrases directly from customer dialogues. This insight allows for a more organic and effective approach to keyword integration, enhancing content discoverability and relevance in search engine results.

Content Optimization: AI doesn’t just stop at new content creation. It can also re-optimize existing content by aligning it with current trends and the evolving language of customers. This ongoing optimization ensures that content remains relevant and visible in an ever-changing digital landscape.

AI in Content Creation

Content Generation Tools: Tools like GPT-4 are transforming content generation. They can quickly produce content ideas or even create rough drafts, significantly speeding up the content creation process. However, the human touch remains crucial. Editing and adding a unique spin to AI-generated content ensure it aligns with your brand’s voice and maintains originality.

Quality and Relevance: AI tools are adept at aligning content with customer interests and queries, ensuring both quality and relevance. This tailored approach means content is more likely to engage and resonate with the intended audience, leading to higher engagement rates.

Campaign Optimization with AI

Lead Qualification: AI’s integration into campaign management tools, like Google Ads, revolutionizes lead qualification. By analyzing customer interactions, AI can identify high-quality leads, enabling smarter bidding strategies and improved ROI on advertising spend.

Data-Driven Decisions: AI empowers marketers to make informed, data-driven decisions. By analyzing campaign performance data, AI can optimize advertising spend and strategy, ensuring resources are allocated to the most effective campaigns.

Marketing Automation via AI

Personalized Marketing: AI excels in personalizing marketing efforts. By analyzing past online behaviors, AI can automate the delivery of personalized offers at the optimal moment, enhancing the likelihood of conversion.

Efficiency in Marketing: One of the most significant benefits of AI in marketing is its ability to streamline processes. By reducing manual tasks and automating routine operations, AI not only saves time but also increases the overall efficiency and effectiveness of marketing campaigns.

Wrapping it All Together

We understand how hard and time consuming it is to create content that is great. That is the reason why we have products such as Snap Blogger to give you excellent base content on your website.

In the long run, it is consistency that’s quite significant with both content production and marketing. If you really do well with both, it’ll not be easy to your site’s visitors to never increase!

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