Here’s How Incorporating Sponsored Content Can Improve Your SEO Rankings

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Getting traction online for your business website is a tough road. There are approximately 200 million active websites out there that compete for the attention of your prospective customers. Some of those sites are other businesses, but some of them are entertainment sites like video streamers.

You need an edge. That’s why businesses leverage strategies like search engine optimization and content marketing. They help you attract visitors and keep them on your site.

One of the most ubiquitous but least discussed ways you can improve SEO is with sponsored content. Not clear on what sponsored content is, how it works, or what you get from it? Keep reading for our quick guide.

What is Sponsored Content?

Sponsored content takes a couple of forms. The most familiar options include sponsored posts or sponsored articles.

These are blog posts, social media posts, or articles written by another business or brand that appears on your website, blog, or social media profile.

For video-based content, you more often see options like an announcement at the beginning that the video is sponsored by a business or brand.

How Does Sponsored Content Work?

Sponsored content can also work in a couple of different ways. One common way that it works is through content syndication.

With content syndication, companies produce content and give it over to a content syndication service. The service then distributes the content to relevant websites for publication.

The posts come with a tag that identifies them as republished content and provides the original source. This lets you can escape the dreaded duplicate content problem.

Businesses can serve as the content producer, the content republisher, or even both.

The other main way sponsored content works is when one business directly approaches another business or online influencer. Business 1 essentially pays business 2 or influencer to publish its content or to identify business 1 as the sponsor.

How Does Sponsored Content Improve SEO?

Sponsored content can improve SEO in a few key ways. The content can provide backlinks back to your site. Assuming the content appears on a few sites with high domain authority, that can improve your SEO ranking.

The content itself can help establish some trust between you and new potential customers. That can encourage them to visit your site.

Those visits boost your overall traffic, which can improve SEO. Assuming visitors stay for a while, the overall duration of those stays can also give you a slight bump in your SEO results.

Even if you’re the one republishing content, it helps SEO by providing you with valuable content and letting you publish on a regular basis.

Sponsored content lets businesses work together for mutual benefit and better SEO results. The business providing content gets to spread knowledge of its brand around and secure some backlinks. That content and those links can boost traffic.

The business publishing content gets quality content to augment its own content. It can also help you maintain a schedule of new content. Both of those boost your SEO results.

Snap SEO provides search engine marketing services including content syndication. For more information, contact Snap SEO today.

Tags: content, sponsored content

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