Hundreds Of Link Clicks To Hundreds Of Leads In Less Than 30 Days

golf ball


From not knowing a lot about ranking on Google, I eventually found Josh and his team. They were so patient with me and they taught me everything that was needed to boost my online marketing. I had shopped a lot of other online marketing companies and SNAP was easily the most responsive and knowledgeable. After a couple months my website went from being not visible to consistently ranking on the first and second page of Google depending on the keywords… Thankful I made the right choice, I will definitely stick with Josh and his team into the future.

Jason Matychuk
Verified Customer

Who: Online Golf Accessory Store

What is it: The is an online Golf Accessory store that has been running its ads on social media for a while. After we conducted an audit, we discovered some fantastic ways to assist them in building their business.

Many campaigns targeted link clicks which are great for driving traffic; however, Facebook only serves the ads to people who are likely to do what? – Click the link.

When setting the goal of conversions, such as Lead generation or purchase, you tell Facebook to display ads to the people likely to convert into an individual lead or buy.

Our initial audit discovered that one of the top spending campaigns was designed to sell an item but focussed on link clicks.

gold store social marketing

The goal: Their main goal was to create leads for their email lists because they achieved the highest ROI from their marketing emails. Within their email marketing campaigns, they focused on delivering value-driven emails and promotional materials that would help cut sales. It was the perfect duo, we delivered the leads, and they snipe the deals.

Solution: We decided they needed a well-designed direct response marketing strategy to increase the number of email subscribers.

Our focus was extremely specific when creating the offer.

It must be easy for the user to understand, something they don’t need to think about and get them to quickly say, Yes, I Need That!

We chose to split the offer technically.

The First Offer: “Get 3xed Air Miles With Golf Purchases When You Join Our Email List.”

The Second Offer: “Join Our Email List For Special Offers On Golf Tech”

In the first seven weeks of this campaign, we noticed the campaign begin to grow and gain momentum.

Leads were generated at under $3. This was an excellent CPL for them, based on their backend statistics and the close rate of their marketing emails.

screenshot showing gold advertising results

The Golfather’s winning creative


In the beginning, the “Join Our Email List” was the most popular choice, but as we increased the “Get 3xed Air Mile” offer, it was only a couple of cents in the CPL.

Why would we want to test different offers from the get-go? This is a great question. Typically, we choose one offer, but because this was a specific brand or niche that appealed to a large number of people, we knew that our ads would not be fatigued when we tested various options.

So for this one, we kept the audience’s the same and initially focused on testing offers over audiences.

The next round of testing will involve audiences.

How did we do it?

Our social ads service is built on five main components, which we integrate into each campaign.

  1. Competition Research & Ad Design: This is how each ad, word inside of our ad copy, and offer will really stand out.For the Golfather we knew there was a large amount of competition in the golf world, and we had to make a small brand stand out above some of the biggest names in the world.We made this happen through exhaustive research on the most popular brands and the types of ads they ran and then crafted our campaign according to that research.
  2. Split Testing: This is crucial for every campaign, no matter what platform. Start split testing immediately with five different types of images, three different kinds of copywriting, two different offers, and two different types of audiences.split testing golf father
  3. Performance Optimization: When the campaign begins to gain momentum, which means consistent leads, then we’re able to start improving our ads according to essential metrics like Cost Per Lead, Click-Through Rate Frequency, as well as other crucial indicators.
  4. Scaling: To grow the initial 100 leads at the beginning of the campaign to more than 450, we needed to increase the size of the winning creative. When we scale, Slow & Steady wins the race. We accomplish this by making budget adjustments, removing the wrong ideas, and using other split testing techniques to ensure an ongoing costs per lead.

Pro Tip: When scaling, you should limit the increase to the per-day Ad Set budget by 20 percent so that you do not overburden the algorithm too excessively. In this way, you can maintain the cost per lead or conversion cost.

What About IOS 14?
We can obtain accurate reporting by using lead generation, the lead ad form on Facebook that we utilize in all of our Snap Social Ads campaigns. Additionally, we can now use this information to build a remarketing audience and remarket to them without losing our mobile customers.
Want to know more details about IOS 14? Check out our most recent blog to find out more!

The most recent information on Golfather
Over the last month, we have been able to scale our winning creative and continue soaking up a TON of leads nationwide. Our cost per lead has risen, but that is expected when climbing and offers fatigue. For them, next, we will be focusing on winning creative and offer to test.

golf father

If you’re looking for help with growing your lead generation at a local, national, or worldwide offer click here to speak with a Social Ads Expert.

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